Re: chips and tubes

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Posted by hitsware [ ] on December 09, 2004 at 17:35:27:

In Reply to: Re: chips and tubes posted by manualblock on December 09, 2004 at 12:39:10:

>I know op-amps use sometimes 100db of Global Feedback.
>But I was under the impression that GC's use some amount
>of GF also. Is that incorrect?

Correctomundo. The chips used for GC's are in fact op-amps.
Perhaps more correctly 'power op-amps'. This is the same
topology used in 99% of solid state amps (only the circuit
is all on 1 'chip'). As much gain as possible is developed,
affording massive feedback for low distortion specs.
In fact so much gain that feedback must be used to define
a reasonable operating condition.
Fine and dandy. Some of them sound great. For my tastes though,
amps with little or no feedback (and here I mean 'global' or
'active' feedback where the output is fed back (as opposed to
'degenerative' that simply limits the gain of a device)) have
a truly more groovy sound. WAY more dynamic and open .... mike


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