Re: triton II xover/amps with my Alter 604's ??

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Posted by Eric MAINARDI [ ] on October 02, 2004 at 02:10:44:

In Reply to: triton II xover/amps with my Alter 604's ?? posted by drguayo on October 01, 2004 at 16:54:08:

With TRIPHON x-over, you can make choice of slope between 6 or 12 dB and for medium range between band pass or high pass.

At SELECTRONIC's, we personnally experienced TRIPHON with the VOT and my own system based on high end E-V speakers. Same conclusion : really transparent and so much more informations !
Multi-amping is THE solution.

As we just begin business in US, please contact VERASTARR.

Best regards,


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