Re: Well...

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Posted by gfederys [ ] on January 08, 2007 at 08:49:21:

In Reply to: Well... posted by PakProtector on January 04, 2007 at 19:20:19:

WOW there buddy, you sure are pushy for an answer! The 300B thing was a bust. The Tamura 2.5v-5v transformer did not have enough cahuna's to drive the 2A3's let alone the 300B's. I put the original Hammond 166L2's I bought in and it worked right out of the box as a 2A3. After some resistor tweaking and replacing the 6SL7 drivers with 6EM7's, the darn thing REALLY sounds nice! It isn't as good as my friends $5k P-25 amp but still very musical. As far as my skillset, if it wasn't for the help of a close friend, they probably would have found my charred, half parakeet-eaten body in the condo after the spring thaw. I really appreciated his patience, help, and insight with my project. I returned the favor by preventing his electrocution.


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