Re: 6Ah4 Amp

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on July 19, 2006 at 18:27:42:

In Reply to: Re: 6Ah4 Amp posted by manualblock on July 19, 2006 at 16:08:35:

There is nothing stupid about the points you've made...or the questions you ask. If there were one single best, most of us would probably build it.

Building something that is a bit different, and inovative is a lot of what makes this fun. Just because the general population hasn't recognized something as good, does not mean it's not. Perhaps even excellent, yes?.

The Galahad schematic is still on my build list. I figured a way to combine my next two amps into one convertible just so I could do some more varied building. I don't think I would change anything about it. One of the attractions of the pentode front end is its nearly constant output Z with signal level. The plate Z can chage a lot, and the whole thing will still be dominated by the plate load resistor. That's probably a good thing...:)

I do suspect that part of the multitude of 2A3 amps is due to the value of personal experimentation. I know you can relate with the "I'll build it myself and see" mentality. Probably also because it work well too.


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