Re: Softone SET output transfromers

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Posted by RC Daniel [ ] on April 19, 2006 at 03:31:55:

In Reply to: Softone SET output transfromers posted by Ron brady on March 26, 2006 at 09:57:59:

Hi Ron

SofTone TXs have been discussed on various forums before. They have been used by a couple DIYers who seemed to quite like them.

From memory, they seem pretty decent, though hit saturation (causing associated bass limitations) quite early; @ ~6W output I think. They would be pretty good for 45s and 2A3s... even 300Bs at lowish plate voltage / dissipation.

I seem to recall some positive comments re an amp using these in an active set-up... running on the mids I think?..

Anyhow, these guys seem pretty legit, with lots of test results on their site - I can't offer an endorsement tho.

Best of fortune with your search, Raymond.


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