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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on October 07, 2005 at 19:57:48:

In Reply to: SPOOKY EFFECTS posted by Howard on September 27, 2005 at 01:42:08:

With Halloween comming up, I hear about Spooky stuff from my young son all the time...:)

On the 300B conversion, if you have B+ above 300, and ability to deliver 80 mA, you can suport it. You'll need the dedicated 5V filament TX of course. Possibly a bigger negative rail for a fixed bias circuit if B+ is on the low-ish side.

The 300B looks best operating into 3k5 per tube( IMO you see ). For me that means two 300's and a 7k PP OPTx, but we're talking your SE amp now...:)

It looks like you have an EH 6SN7 in there. I do most heartily recommend a NOS US made replacement. The black RCA is a hard one to beat( and not fanatically expensive ).


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