Re: Still bewildered by it all!

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Posted by GarMan [ ] on March 25, 2005 at 20:51:17:

In Reply to: Still bewildered by it all! posted by Howard on March 24, 2005 at 04:33:25:

For any given design, you can either spend next to nothing or have to mortage your home to get it built. A simple resistor can run you a couple of pennies or over $10. Now multiply that by the number of resistors in a typical circuit and you can see how material costs can differ.

What I'm trying to say is, if you're starting out, don't worry too much on the quality of parts. Breadboard the design on a piece of wood with the cheapest parts you can find and focus on getting the build correct (ie getting it to work with no hum). Make sure you like what you hear, THEN start swapping out parts with better quality components to fine tune it. If it sounds good with the cheap parts, quality components can make it even better. However, if the design sounds bad with the cheap parts, even the most expensive components can't help.



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