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Posted by colinhester [ ] on March 02, 2005 at 11:52:08:

In Reply to: SE for beginners posted by Howard on March 02, 2005 at 06:25:03:

Thanks for the link to your page. I really enjoyed looking at the old Yamaha gear. My first real system was a Yamaha R-700 receiver and Infinity RS-7s. I could not afford the Yamaha speakers at the time and have always wanted and older pair. Thanks for sharing and bringing back some fond memories.

Although not SET, you might want to check out the "Group Build" forum anyway. We are just finishing our first project: a 5687-based preamp. Our next build will be a PP of some sort; the details have not been completely worked out. I have built several Bottlehead kits and have been very satisified with both the performance and level of suppoet. However, building one from scratch has no equal. No more tab "A" into slot "B." This has been rewarding beyond my expectations.

As far as an SET, I believe Wayne is very fond of his Stoetkit (see "FS Audio Forum" for buildup process.) Wayne did a super job of documenting the build. Also, have you looked at the SEX kit from Bottlehead.com? It has the advantage of driving either 'phones or highly efficinet speakers.

Thanks again for the site.....Colin


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