Re: Also

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Posted by DRCope [ ] on February 24, 2005 at 15:42:16:

In Reply to: Re: Also posted by akhilesh on February 24, 2005 at 11:13:31:

Actually, I think the problem began with the question: "how would you *quantify* . . ."

Given the exteme difficulty, bordering on futility, of trying to correlate what we hear with what we know how to measure so far, perhaps it would be more fruitful to ask how we would *characterize* the differences, looking at it qualitatively, which is how we appreciate reproduced music in the first place.

As to my system, not surprisingly, since I'm the US distributor for Audio Note, it's all AN. What might be surprising is that I got involved with AN professionally because of the huge effect that purchasing a few used AN pieces had on my system and listening experience.

Anyway, I listen to a Voyd 'table (predecessor to the TT Three), AN 1S arm and usually an IO moving coil cartridge through an AN transformer into an M3 pre-amp. Amps are Quest Silver mono 300B's driving E/SE Silver speakers. Cabling is all AN silver of various levels. On the digital side, I'm waiting for the first of the new CDT2/II transports, which will be paired with a DAC3.1x Balanced.

I'll be building an AN Preamp Kit shortly, (hopefully in time for the Spring New England Valve Fest), and will be building a one-off 2A3 amp using AN parts which will have a dual choked power supply and interstage transformers. 1/2 a 6SN7 per channel input - a stage less than usual to reduce noise as my next speakers will be AN Lexus Signatures - 98dB/w/m efficient w/outboard due to cap size) crossovers.


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