Re: nope...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 14, 2005 at 14:15:20:

In Reply to: nope... posted by Tnuctipun on February 14, 2005 at 09:14:23:

Say T; you know this subject of course becomes strident at times hence the short replies. Thinking about your post today I realise maybe you were more serious than first appeared. Before offering an opinion I think maybe we should have asked what the application would be.
I know you have much experience with amplifiers so for you to ask that must mean something other than the usual personal agenda promo.
Is there a phono stage that seems preferable using a SE circuit?
I think lots of headroom is a good thing, but I notice those amps seem to lack a musical presentation once they grow to big wattage.
So; why would that be?
Although I have heard the big Mac 2100 and that sounded pretty good on JBL's.
I have always thought this would be an important part of design theory except that the debate gets too silly with people re-stating the obvious ad nauseum. Or defending their point of veiw or their equipment like there was something at stake that reflects on them as people instead of just helping to advance the cause of better sound for the home stereo.
Or they have some odd or difficult to drive speakers that only sound good with one type of tube or something equally silly.
So when someone is genuinely interested in the musically relevant distinctions between the two circuit types it is side-tracked with all that nonsense.
Just an observation why there can't seem to be a rational dialogue.


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