Re: Some reasons why SETs sound different

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Posted by thetubeguy1954 [ ] on December 10, 2004 at 16:16:57:

In Reply to: Re: Some reasons why SETs sound different posted by akhilesh on December 10, 2004 at 15:40:18:

Akhilesh, ok since you asked. My amplifier is a 150LB, Italian designed, Mastersound Reference 845, inetgrated SET amp.
It uses (per channel) a Mazda "chrome-plate" 12AU7 for preamp, then a Bendix 6900 as a driver, followed by paralleled 845's running in Class A for 40W channel of the sweetest SET music I've ever heard.
My source is also Italian designed. The Blue Note Stibbert CD Player 24/96 My speakers are again Italian designed. The Aliante Pinafarina Ones For interconnects I use American Z-Squared Au/Au's. These are an incredible find. They are a gold/silver/copper alloy that's 24K gold plated. They list for $1799. However they can often be bought on Audiogon for $250. "IF" you don't think that's too much for an interconnect I say JUMP ON THEM! You'll never look back and probably never upgrade cables again. For speakerwire I use American Nordost Blue Heavens. These are also an incredible buy for the money. I've seen them smoke cables that cost many times more. Their only problem is they can be a little splashy at times. I didn't hear that until I got the Mastersound/Blue Note combo working together. I'd wager that in about 90% of the systems out there you wouldn't hear what I describe as splashy. Also they give a real taste of the Valhalla's at a fraction of the $$$$ Finally my powercords which are also American are Stealth Audio M21 Super's I provided links so you can see these components for yourself. My listening preferences are, in order of preference; 1)Smooth Jazz (Fourplay, Skywalk, Spyro Gyra, Khani Cole) 2)Jazzy New Age (Max Laser, Peter Kater, William Belote, Val Gardenia) and finally 3) Progressive Rock (Marillion, Genesis, YES, Starcastle)

Tom Scata (thetubeguy1954)
If natuer abhors a vacuum, why does vacuum tube equipment sound so damn good?


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