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Posted by colinhester [ ] on December 02, 2004 at 21:46:46:

In Reply to: Re: SEX vs DECWARE posted by Lew H on December 02, 2004 at 11:33:12:

Lew, How on earth did you get yours a month ago? I ordered mine the first day it went on sale, and it just showed up today.

It seems from your post you are very happy with it. I mainly got it for my cans (AKG 240.) What upgrades have you done or a you running stock?

I briefly looked through the package and noticed it came with shielded cable. Could this reduce the hum that Wayne has heard from the P'mours/Foreplay. I have a Foreplay/ParaSex combo and have not noticed any hum, but I'm not using ultra-sensitive speakers either.....Colin


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