Re: SET Kits

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on August 18, 2004 at 16:06:57:

In Reply to: SET Kits posted by WhyAskWhy on August 17, 2004 at 18:54:09:


Just search for "kits" here and you'll find a bunch of posts. Bottlehead, Welborne Labs and Audio Note immediately come to mind. I have used a pair of Welborne Laurels -- now discontinued in favor of their DRD amps -- for years and love them.

What kind of speakers do you have; how large is your listening area; and what sorts of music do you like, and at what volumes? The answers to those questions may influence what you get. Others may disagree, but even with sensitive speakers, 2A3 amps, which put out c. 3 to 3.5W, have never had enough oomph for me, so unless you report that you have very sensitive speakers and listen exclusively to solo or small acoustic ensembles at low levels in a small space, I'd suggest a 300B amp (c. 8W). But even then, we've got to make sure your speakers are SET-friendly.


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