I just bought an ASUSA single-ended amp not delivered yet

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on May 03, 2004 at 11:52:26:

Antique sound usa amp. with 5 db negative feedback..one 12ax7 tube and 2 el84s in SET mode.
Basically got it very cheap used of course, and am going to upgrade it with nicer caps, and do some tube rolling. it gives 4 watts per channel, and i am eagre to compare it to the zen se84C i have. They use the same tubes (well almost: the zen uses sv83 output). Except the zen has no negative feedback, and gives out 1.5 watts per channel. The output tubes on the zen last about a year, on this one they last maybe two years. SO i figure: a) i can upgrade to NOS outputs on this one unlike the zen, and b) the negative feedback may give me more slam... not sure.. i'll let you all know. Oh.. it uses solid state rectification too.. so i may upgrade the diodes as well...
Eager to hear how this baby will sound after upgrades.
Keep you all informed. IN the meantime, if anyone has suggestions, tips on upgrading...do jump in.


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