Re: overloading powered speakers

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Posted by warwick [ ] on May 05, 2007 at 19:59:31:

In Reply to: Re: overloading powered speakers posted by Bill Wassilak on April 30, 2007 at 12:30:10:

thanks, thats pretty much what i had originally figured - that the amps would just amplify clipped signal and not drive the speakers too hard.

what had me a bit worried was a thing i read on a car audio site that said something about speaker cooling... as far as i understand it sending a clipped signal to the speakers means that they won't be moving in and out as much as they could be, but this movement not only makes the sound from the cone but also works to cool the coil, pushing hot air out and sucking cold air in... not a widely discussed phenomenon, you have any knowledge / tips regarding that one?



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