Sample rate conversions

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Posted by karle [ ] on August 15, 2008 at 14:33:49:

I will be doing some tests, to find out if people can really hear the
difference if a song is played at different sampling rates.

Does anyone knows about a computer / Software / Hardware bundle that would
enable playing songs and changing the master clock on the fly? I would need
the DA converter to switch its clock automatically, according to the signal
it receives at the inputs and the finest equipment if possible.

Also, if you already conducted such an experiment, I'd like to know:

should I:

1-Start with a 192khz source, downsample it and play it back at the
downsampled rates on the D to A converter
2-Start with a 192khz source, downsample it and play it back at the highest
rate on the D to A converter
3-Record the same performance at different sample rates and then play it
back at its native sample rate



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