Fellow inmates,
One of those wonderful moments where the DJ of the local "Jazz" station in Columbus,Ohio is playing all the great songs that a Pi speaker system was ever made for. TillE brought my Dynaco ST-70 back after a little vacation in Mansfield,Ohio and I had been playing a Dynaco SCA-35 for awhile. I had both of these brought back to "stock" spec's and both play great, but the ST-70 has so much more body to the sound, the SCA-35 would be great with the little "Pi's", but you do need more for the 4 Pi-pro's. Anyways, what I was saying, the music just keeps getting better the longer I listen. I have a McIntosh MX-113 tuner/preamp driving the ST-70. The 2226J's are mounted in 3677 cabinets laying on their side (best for midrange for my small Living room 12' x 16' w/8' ceiling. The Altec 806A/811B for the top end. Crossover is standard 1.6Khz/2 mh coil on 2226J/R2=15 ohms - R1=30 ohms (paralleled with .47 ufd cap. I started with the textbook crossover and started playing around until I found the blend that I wanted. I use 2' x 2' foam squares liberally around the general speaker location. My last tweak is my favorite, I put a grill cloth across the 2226J, but not in front of the horns. It seems(at least to me) to clean up the midrange and help the woofer integrate with the horns much better. Kind of like when you raise the 2226's off the ground, you hear much more than you want, but the closer they are to the ground plane, the smoother they integrate!Cheers, it's time to get back to the tunes, and another adult beverage is needed!!!
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