Hi Wayne,I uncovered from storage a very nice pair of Pyle model W820 8" woofers. Would they work in a One Pi alignment? I have enclosed factory specs. I am not sure of the upper limit of these drivers, but they sound very decent even unenclosed.
Fs = 56 Hz
Vas = 1.27 cu.ft.
Qts = .481
Qms = 7.839
Qes = .512
Zmin = 6.80
SPL = 92.6 dB
Xmax = .125"
Vb = .75 cu.ft.
Port Diameter = 3 inch
Port length = 4 inch
Fb = 56 Hz
Vb = .75 cu.ft.
Fc = 89 hzWhat would you do for "crossover"? What size box and port?
Many thanks,
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