double bass horn

I've posted on the high efficiency speaker forum, and someone suggested I post here as well. I'm looking to amplify a double bass. My original idea was to use a high efficiency bass horn driven by an SET amp. But I've been told that SETs don't generate that kind of power. I am still philosophically attracted to tube designs, but I wouldn't rule out SS amps. Anyway, I had envisioned this big circular sort of snail shaped horn, about six or seven feet in diameter, with of course, a quite long horn path. The horn mouth size might be a limiting problem. Anyway, a wall and floor could always be used for continuation of the horn. The bass will be most commonly bowed, so there is a lot more treble information than when it is plucked. I'm hoping to avoid the EQed sound that is commonly achieved by jazz and popular music bassists. However, if the speaker must err, I'd rather it err in the treble range than in the bass range. The goal is to use the amplifier in live music (club) settings. The instrument would have to compete with a non-muffled acoustic drumset. Other recommendations I've heard are Karlsons, TQWT and TL designs. In stereo speakers, I like the concept of single full-range drivers. I like that concept for this application as well, knowing however that that may not be feasible for the bass demands of this application. Any recommendations?

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