Ella! Kudos to Brian Cherry and Kevin Haskins.

After a few liddle problems (like the Foreplay pre-amp blew up!) I got Ella running with the Alps blue pot she comes with. I was afraid she would sound veiled or plasticky w/o the benefit of a high quality ladder attenuator.
Nope. Sounds great. The high frequency nasties are gone with the Foreplay and this amp isn't quiet at idle, it just isn't there. Like when you get a new car and the engine idles so quiet you turn the key and grind the starter!!
It's amazing that Ella was in the DIYCable room at MAF last year and nobody wanted to hear her. 300B's and 45's are chic, but there's no substitute for cubic inches. And I've had a really good EL-84 amp and this is much better.
Kevin and Brian have a winner here and their service, answering questions and taking care of spares and such is great.
Wayne, I hope you don't mind this advert here but this is a great amp to drive Pi's.
I posted some pix on the Brians site and more at www.merrypranks.com

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