Roll Call - MAF 2003

Robert Hamel just did a "roll call" and so we know some of the guys we'll all plan to see. What I'm wanting to see is another head count of who's bringing what, and what suggestions people have.

I'll be in rooms 503 and 504, and I'll have some tower two π's and some Stage seven π's with Martinelli wood horns on top. I'm still not sure what amps or peripherals I'll bring, but I have a few options and many of you have expressed a desire to display your equipment as well. Thank you very much!

So what I'm looking for are definite plans - Who's got what rooms and what they definitely plan to bring. I'd also like some idea of what configurations are desired - For example, most will probably want to hear Paramours on tower two's. That's a configuration, well, at least it is after we decide on an input and connect it up. But you get the idea - of all the equipment we have, I'd like a list of what stuff you want to hook it up to. Then, we can decide who's rooms are best suited to show them and who is willing and wanting to setup which systems in their rooms. Things like that.

I'd really like candid information here, and an abundance of it. As I said, I'll bring the two pairs of speakers for sure. I'd like to have each of them connected to as many different types of amps as possible. I'd also like to see other models represented, if some of you are bringing other equipment like the Theater fours and pseudo-Pi's and what-not. I'd really like to hear some of the models built with Altec HF horns, if possible. And anything else that's interesting - I'd like to have a lot of good equipment represented and to be able to listen to each setup for an hour or so. With several rooms and several systems, I think we're all in for a treat.

In addition to bringing equipment, I'll also be available to help do "quick-swaps." When changing gear, we'll want to make each setup quick and painless, so I'll be available to lend a hand. Since this rotating schedule means there will be a lot of swaps, there will also need to be a lot of carrying and moving and plugging and stuff like that. I'll be available to lend a hand.

I'll also try to remember to bring my meter and scope. No, I'll not try to remember - I'll make sure to bring 'em.

So let me know - What say you?!!

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