Pi Theater 4s at Outdoor Wedding Reception

Last September my good friends Cherie and Blayne (Diacont) were married. They had a great outdoor reception under a 50 by 120 foot tent. The weather was very warm. No jackets were required late into the night. Blayne had burned an awesome collection of their favorite music (a mix of jazz and rock) on CD. The music was played through a Scott integrated tube amplifier and Pi Theater 4 speakers. This set-up provided enough spls to drive most of the adults well away from the speakers but the kids really loved it. The sound was at near-live levels on the dance floor in front of the speakers. The sound had a clear, dynamic and effortless quality. Bass was well extended and tactile, while cone motion was nearly imperceptible (you had to watch closely for a long time before becoming convinced that there might have been some). The mids and highs were smooth, and detailed with no sign of horn colorations. Amplifier clipping was frequent to the trained ear but pretty innocuous due to the well behaved tubes. A number of people, young and old, commented on the remarkable sound quality. Many had never heard such good sound, even in their own homes. The speakers now happily reside in Blayne and Cheries living room.



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