So how's come we have Farads on our crossovers? And why are they trillionths? Do those giant transformer sub-station thingy's have REALLY big caps that measure an entire Farad?
"Wow! Did you see that one Farad cap? It was as big as a house!"
Anyway, I'm curious about farads 'cause while waiting for the parts to build the 800 Hz cross I decided to fool around with the 1.6k cross.
Speakerman suggested 30 to 40 ohms of attenuation on the 811's and I saw from the 800 Hz cross that you used a 2.2uF cap. So I strung together 2 15 ohm Mills and bypassed with the only big cap I had, a 3.3uF. I found out the hard way how bright and harsh too much capacitance is!
I tossed the 3.3 and went way back the other way to .47uF. The 16 Ohm 811/806A combo with the 30 Ohm/.47uF cap attenuation is unbelievable. Perfect integration of the the horn with the Woof. And all the virtues of the 811: detail, light, air and none of the pitfalls:brassy, brash, Hi-Fi'ish sound.
The first time I've heard the Reference Recording of Harry James, "King James Edition" sound as good as I remember my late, lamented Acoustat 1+1's and Bedini 25/25 and VPI HW-III combo.I can't overstate that; until now nothing I've tried has sounded remotely as good as I recall it.
What an amazing change from the PSD-2002's. They are easy to listen to but become congested with the Paramours at higher levels.
With the 811's, you crank up the gain and the music just gets louder. Effortless. Mormon Tabernacle Choir SACD pure DSD "The Sound of Glory" is a tough test. The hall is apparently not the greatest. Had "Battle Hymn of the Republic" really smokin on the PSD's, not too good. With the 811's and the 3.3 cap there were only tenors and sopranos! But the same cut with the .47 cap, Wow! No strain. All the voices. And trumpets with excellent attack. Then there's the drum solo on Pat Barber's Cafe Blue, track 2. That cat swings. And the cymbals are right there in the room. You can read "Zildjian" on them and see the light reflecting off the hammering of the brass.
I called off from work!LOL I got nothing done on Ella even tho' the .10 caps came in the mail, just listening to music.So Wayne, what I wanted to know was, if 3.3uF is crazy too much and .47 is just right for the 1k6a012dB, where does that leave the 2.2 that is spec'd for C1 on the 800a009dB? Does this thing that causes a capacitor to be 1000 times less resistive at 20,000Hz than 20 Hz have something to do with it?
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