In Reply to: Fifty bucks buys a lot of speaker posted by Wayne Parham on January 21, 2003 at 23:54:33:
more than some people realize between production lots. The last 4 drivers I ordered, I specifically asked that they be taken from the same carton. I got 3 the same, and one different lot number...the bastards:) DCR of all 4 was 6.3 ohms, Fs was a uniform 41Hz., but the free air Z peak of the oddball was 48.3 ohms, 10% higher than the others(44.0, 44.0, 44.6 ohms). The pair I have from a couple of years ago measured 37.2 ohms/40Hz. and 37.8 ohms/42Hz. PE measured Fs of 43.13 last year. Pioneer still claims 36Hz...
My POINT, that even within the same lot, the manufacturers only try to hit a certain tolerance. One year something comes marked taiwan, the next time china, etc. Then "rooms" differ alot, and why the heck would anyone drive a ford?
So an EXPECTATION that a speaker can be built and be "turn key perfect" in every room for every person is ludicrous. I am sure after suitable break in, listening sessions and trying different room positions and/or treatments improvements will be heard.
If not, get out the soldering iron, add a choke to the woofer, maybe pad the tweet slightly, or at $10 a pop, why not try a pair from a different BATCH of the same item. Or a different part number within the same "family"? Sam
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