In Reply to: Re: What is this "shout" people refer to? posted by Till E. on January 21, 2003 at 07:07:47:
to sound inside the enclosure bouncing back thru the cone, and muddying things up. I've noticed that a lot of the time a project involves a narrow baffle, and no padding on some of the surfaces next to the cone. Also, if the box tuning, however closely to plan you build, comes out wrong, an early lowend rolloff may be percieved as a tonal balance with the MIDS "in your face".
I call that "tv" sound more than shouting, hey wait, my tv shouts at ME all the time, where's Elvis when you need him:)
Look in BOXPLOT at the effect of variations in Vb or Fs, sometimes a few Hz. off will really move you away from "flat" to dropping off or peaking.
Hmmn, might mean, turn those wires over to the tweeter and give it a listen:) Even with no crossover...the tweeter motor is behind the 5kHz. 1/2 wave is pretty small:)
ARE YOU GUYS USING THE INDUCTOR that Wayne mentioned for trimming the midrange rise? Sam
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