A word about break-in and room treatments

I just want to chime in briefly about break-in and room treatments. My 2-Pi towers have been functional for about six weeks now. Initially I was put off by what struck me as rather forward treble. However, after several weeks of use, the woofers have developed a nice "bloom" and the perceived forward treble has diminished considerably. Must be something about the interplay of the two drivers. Switching to magnet wire for speaker cables also helped give a nice tonal balance.

On room treatments: for well over a year I'd been debating building some of Jon Risch's room treatment panels. I'd already made Jon's quick-and-dirty bass traps (about $30 for traps in two room corners) and really like what they do. But the wall panels daunted me, which was rather silly now that I think about it. For an investment of $30 in materials and a single afternoon's work, I built two panels (48" x 30") and am oh so glad I did. I'm convinced now that without room treatments a person isn't really hearing a system's potential. For apartment dwellers especially they are de riguer.

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