So I've got these 8 ohm Altec 811/806A's sitting on the 16 ohm JBL 2226J's and the Altecs are kinda "hot" sounding with Wayne's 4 Pi Pro Eminence crossover.
And I want to cross at 800 Hz like God and Altec intended. So I get the Eminence PXB 2 800 boards, which is rated at 8 ohms.
But my Bud says 8 ohm cross is bad and needs another 16 ohms in parallel with the horn. Okay, I can do that.
So now I add maybe 30 (?) ohms to the attenuation coming from the tweeter positive, bypassed by, what, .33, .47 uF to tame the highs?
And do I remove the 10uF cap like I did for the Pro?
Or should I do something entirely different?
Please don't suggest I use Spice; it's me, the dummy, Till.
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