Re: Dimensions: Narrower front baffle

Oscar, I would like to be able to help you very much here but I don't know that I can help you much (as far as a comparison). This pair of 2Pi Towers is the only Pi design that I have ever heard. I think as long as you keep the overall cubic inch s box size to the design that you will not deviate from the desing tuning. My box and port happen to be a bit bigger that the design size. Wayne says that changing the dimensions is not a problem, just keep the size the same. I change the width and depth sizes to better accomadate my sons bedroom.

I can tell you that they sound great. I was listening to some Magnepan MMG (another great value in speakers, just not very sensitive or dynamic) speakers about a year ago. When my wife and daughter broght home two little kittens I packed and put away the MMG's (great cat scratching posts). I replaced them with some small monitors on the bookshelf (I refer to this day as "the day the music died). Well, since building the 2Pi Towers for my son I cannot enjoy listening without the Towers and find myself sneaking in his room while he is at school to listen to my music.

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