This ray Brown Trio opus has always been good sounding (Concord jazz CCD-4268) but tonight the Trio is live and on stage in my upstairs room!
Must be the Bed, Bath and Beyond pillows I'm using between the 811/806a's and the 2226J cabs.
Or maybe Speakerman is right about 16 ohms and 1.6k crossovers turning into 800 hz ones.
Skeezix!!! This is awesome sound!
I just won an auction for 59 sq ft of "weepy cedar" veneer. And I think I figured out how to stack a horn enclosure on top of a Pro Pi to make it look like a Model 19.
But I'm not sure how to get those pillows in there.
Soon as I do, the table saw will be singing.
What are you all doing, tonight?
Follow Ups: