In Reply to: Woofer-tweeter posted by Mike C on January 12, 2003 at 13:08:50:
To attenuate a piezoelectric tweeter, use a capacitor in series. Since the tweeter is primarily capacitive, a series capacitor forms a voltage divider rather than a frequency splitter. There is no filter function when components having the same reactive properties are connected together. So a capacitor/capacitor network forms a simple voltage divider, much like a resistor/resistor network does.For a KSN-1038, you can expect attenuation in the following amounts:
1.0uF 1dB
0.5uF 2dB
0.33uF 3dB
0.22uF 4dB
0.1uF 7dBThese values are what you'll get if you connect a capacitor in series with the tweeter, and do not use any other components. That gives broad-band attenuation only, and does not act as a crossover.
See the post called "Pi implementations of quartz piezoelectric tweeters" for more information about this subject.
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