Re: 16 Ohm crossover

I'd suggest that you model the circuit with Spice and tailor the circuit to give the response curve shown below. Butterworth values are pretty easy to find, but the compensation circuit values won't scale so easily. For example, the "stock" Butterworth values for an 8 ohm high-pass third-order are 8uF/0.6mH/22uF and the 16 ohm variant would be 4uF/1.2mH/12uF, so you can see that the caps are half and the coils are double when moving from an 8 ohm load to a 16 ohm load. But the compensation circuits really need to be modeled with a more accurate load representation, and you can't expect them to scale this way.

So download a copy of Spice, enter the values for your driver, and configure the circuit to give the response curve shown below.

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