Re: Question for Wayne or others: bi-amping with stock Eminence crossover?

Replace the 7199 with a 6H30, reduce NFB to 2db or no NFB. The heathkit will have tweeter shredding highs. Mine can do 20us pulses with a square top! In fact it has me looking for new tweeters, it's too revealing.

Also, if you don't want such a drastic change try adjusting the capacitor around the feedback loop and you might have a simple low pass filter installed after the first 7199 stage. Some folks prefer the low pass filters and think they are a good idea but they do roll the amp off just above 20khz but in a nice steady slope. Without the filters output is good to over 50khz. I have some resistors on order to make some fine adjustments to the 6H30 circuits and when I do that I can get you exact measurements but this amp can do full out put from 20hz to about 50khz with NO visual distortion and about 1.5% measured distortion at 1000hz. It's a great little chassis.

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