Studio series Two Pi Towers

Well one box is simi-complete. The box will be unscrewed and unassembled to be glued and braced. Then add insulation and all that will remain is some trim. The son and I will not be able to work on them for a few days as we will by busy with holiday stuff and family(we are bullding them for his birthday gift, he had shown some intrest in some new speakers and I figured it might be a good male bonding project) so I could not resist putting the drivers in and giving it a try... Well I was expecting good things from this speaker for the money, but I really was very impessed. I believe the sensitivity is all there and then some. The insulation may tone that down some but off hand I am very impressed with the sensitivity. I did not get out my SPL meter but only one speaker with one watt on my Sansui 9090DB had some good SPL(to my ears). I am not one to need high SPL's, none the less the Two Pi tower was impressive. Next thing that was impressive was the bass. I will say that it goes about as low as you will need for two channel stereo and not really much need for a sub(unless you want to use for HT). My son (17 years old likes alot of bass), he commented that he did not expect that much bass. Final thing that impressed me was the big grin on my sons face and the way his eyes lit up when we fired it up. I tell you that alone was worth the work so far into this project.

I am looking foward to driving them with the vintage Sherwood tube amp I have in the closet, that should be interesting. I have a hunch I will probably end up building another pair for myself. Also when both boxes are all done and finished I will post pics and do some A/B listening test with my other speakers and post results. I will probably be doing more DIY projects in the future since this already seems to have been a positive experience.

Wayne, thanks for making it so easy and designing a quality product for a reasonable price and getting the product to my home so quickly.

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