
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the sensitivity is likely a moot point in your case at least with this particular driver combo. I say that judging from your nic that you will be running a 45 watt push pull tube amp. My experience with 4 Pi's is that the more power on tap the better they sound. Not that they sound bad with small amps, a 2 watt SET amp sounded great in the mid range and top end when we demoed it, but the bottom end was very lacking. I normally run my 4Pi's with a 75 watt crown SS amp. It sounds great, good bass, very detailed but nothing like the 300 watt Luxman that I've started using again....it literally will beat you up if you want it to, the 2226H really seems to need some power to get the best out of it, at least in my experience so far.
(Actually , the set amp midrange and top-end was incredible, clear, detailed and yet it took the edge off so so recording with out loosing anything....makes ya kinda think....shhhhh don't say it Wayne will kick me off....)

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