Ping Jsalve, Steve, Wayne

Ok, I'm thinking the unthinkable. 7pi's for my TAD 1602's and 2001s.

I've read JSalve's saga, although the picture links have dried up and blown away, and saw that Steve was thinking of going down that road with 2001's. I got the idea to use JBL 2123's in-between from that series, too!

Are the cabs larger for the TADs than the size listed for the JBL?

Having a brain dead moment - Does going corner horn buy me greater efficiency or extension? What I'd really like to do is goose the efficiency of the 1602 so I don't have to pad the 2001's and the JBL mids so much.

Jeff - if you still have your plans for the cabs, would you email them to me?

Thanks, guys!

Keep your ears and your mind open.

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