In Reply to: Re: High output compression drivers posted by Wayne Parham on December 13, 2002 at 22:43:51:
Wayne,Thanks for the input man. Did you send the email to ? I remember getting one from you a while ago when I switched. If you have sent it in the last day or two, I haven't got it yet cuz my e-mail isn't working at the moment. But I will get it.
I'll try to make it out on the 11th.... I'm having a lot of transportation problems right now. I was in a car accident (nothing serious, nobody was hurt), so my parents are a bit skittish about me driving long distances right now. We'll see how it goes come spring.
I am using poly caps in all of the crossovers. When is Eminence due to release the replacement for the PSD3003? I'm very interested in it. Top octave EQ could definitely be used. I'm sure it'll have a good sensitivity (110 db/1w/1m or so?), pair that up with say a 98 db woofer, that allows me to elevate high frequencies by 12db @ 20 kHz from natural response just by using a bypass cap on the L-pad. For more extensive systems, active EQ'ing could also be used.
As for the T2000 lense, where can I pick this up?
When I get my e-mail up and running we can have more discussions. Thanks to both of you for the replies.
When did you send that e-mail?
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