In Reply to: hey, 3rd order xover's posted by Sam P. on December 11, 2002 at 06:46:12:
It's easy to remove poles on the active crossover. Just take 'em out and jumper across.About various crossover configurations and phase relationships, there's a chart on the post called "Biamping-xovers-12, 18, or 24db/oct." Two configurations to be careful of are second/second and first/third, which should both be cross-connected since pure networks are used.
On "pseudo-first-order" networks it's OK because they aren't really first-order networks at all. Phase shift never exceeds about 45 degrees, never approaches the expected 90 degree asymptote. The woofer circuit doesn't really have an electrical crossover in the "pseudo-first-order" arrangement, it's the mechanical properties of the woofer that perform the crossover.
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