Hello all,
Just want to put out the word, I am looking for SET (stereo or 2- monoblocks) when I go the MAF. So if anyone looking to get rid of theirs for inexpensive cost, let me know. I am not interested in any exotic mods, just want a decent working amp. I am not bringing anything to Lima, but if there is anything someone is really looking for that I might have, then I could bring that also.
Wayne, could we have a post for Lima attendee's to post their wares for sale, or wish list from those looking that could all end up in Lima. Just think, deal with folks in person, no shipping or any of the that other garbage like E-bay that is so impersonal. I like buying from people I can meet, eliminates the mystery purchases that we hear so much about.
If this is wrong approach, I apologize in advance, just thought would be good chance to have up-front shopping list before we get there.
Wayne, thanks for the bandwidth, Ron
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