Hmm-ing, now aha-ing!

If Andy G's gracious graphs are calibrated so the 0dB line is the sensitivity in the spec sheet, then the KSN1165 is at LEAST 3 dB louder than the KSN1025/1141. The 1025 is usually rated between 95 and 98 dB so that implies that the 1165 is at least 98 or 99 dB.

The KSN1188 should be using the same 0 dB calibration as the 1165 because both are rated as 93 dB/2.83V. The 1188 looks at least as sensitive as the 1165 so it should be around 99 dB too!

Attacking from another direction, Paul C seems to know his terminals from his tractrix horns. Indeed, Andy G's KSN1005 graph explains why Paul was "less than impressed by the 5khz peak in the little KSN1005... a harsh one note cymbal sound." Paul's trumpeting of the 1188 strikes a cord with me.

So I'm gonna go with the KSN1188 and hope it comes close to the 100-ish dB of the Delta 15. QED. Whew, that felt good!

So now onto the 1188. The graph shows that it doesn't roll-up a la 3rd order like the other piezos. I'm thinking that this must be a measurement glitch since Paul said he successfully ran it with no crossover. The -3dB point looks like ~ 600 Hz (!wow!) so I'm thinking I'll put a 400 to 500 Hz second order on the Delta (does any one have a more precise suggestion?) I bet the Delta will like this low down, double crossing! ;-)

Do I need to worry about throat distortion with this horn trying to go so low?

Thanks for your help guys,
Best regards,

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