Finally Finished My 2 Pi Towers


After many delays and distractions I finally completed a pair of 2 Pi towers. This didn't begin as a serious project, just something to use some of bargain bin wood I had accumulated for other yet to be started projects. The results have totally surprised me.

I changed the dimensions a little to make best use of the material I had on hand. In the end they are about 600 cubic inches smaller than the plans. I compensated by adjusting the port diameter, so they are tuned to spec.

Bottom line is, that standing in the middle of my cluttered basement floor, powered by my homebrewed 6V6 PP power amp, they sound excellent (and quite loud). The upper midrange seems a little 'hot' to me, but I'll give them some more time in the living room before I think about any tweeking. Besides, I wouldn't trade for anything the transparency that I believe the crossoverless design seems to deliver (not to mention the surprisingly deep bass).

My teenage sons (who installed the blue Eminence stickers) have rated them highly. That's a major compliment coming from the deafening subwoofer crowd.

Anyway, thanks to Wayne for the design and plans! Now I have to get motivated to finish the 75% completed 4 Pi Thermionics that I put aside for this project.

John B

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