1st Question: can i use any driver for pi7 corner loaded sub.
for example:Fs=44hz
efficient and low excursion
12inch.i dont really have 4ft clear space even,wil i stil get some gain/?
but how much :-Salso,should i measure my room and guess the resonances?because its a bedroom,and its 1.9mwide,and approx 2x that in length.its low ceilings also.
2nd question : is the 6ft clear space reccomended alot,becase the 'response on the pispeakers site,show that the speakers by themselves are often -6db at 50hz for example...so i dont want that situation with no room gain because its crammed with furniture :-D
am i right saying that u can have much smaller boxes because the resonance can be higher ,using room gain?
and its simply a ported box ? with those side slots?if so,send me some plans wayne :-D im interested in a few Db more effiency for free :-P
meanwhile,il test out the pi align program :)
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