...From my friend Speakerman57 who is unable to post here directly. And I should add that hearing Is believing, I have, and I do!...have already proved to myself and a few others (who I will add might not
be as forward as me) that the JBL 2226 does work with SET's as long as they
are the 16 ohm version on the 8 ohm tap. At least that has been the case
with 3 different Paramours and 1 Moth audio amp working on my almost 4
pi-pro (3677/2226J/2373). If that is not working right, I guess I want to be
wrong. None of us have experienced a lack of, or weak bass in this
configuration. I would recommend that SET users to connect to their 8 ohm
tap on the amp and try the 16 ohm 2226. We know it worked for us, would
like to hear what the experts have to say. It does go against all the
convention wisdom, but like I say, I prefer to be more of a "backyard
mechanic" than a by the book expert. . I am used to being the rebel, so I
am ready for the criticism everyone will tell me about matching impeadance
with tube amps, and how JBL's are not as well suited for SET's than say
other Eminence and such. I would like the SET users who are willing to defy
conventional wisdom would at least try it out if you can and give me your
feedback. I accept negative criticism also, my feelings won't be hurt.
Opinions wanted from any and all would have something to say here on this. I
am looking forward especially to those who actually try this out. Who knows,
I may be right for all the wrong reasons.
Regards, Ron
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