In Reply to: Anyone used the Selenium D3300TI comp. driver? posted by Garland on November 16, 2002 at 05:52:38:
some very comprehensive data on their site, do you have the PDF on this thing. Incredible, but the FR curve is from the tight coverage shorty horn. go to the site and notice the horn it is measured on and its coverage pattern (45 degrees & they even have polar plots). This is a 5" long horn! wish I knew enough about horns to guestimate how it would do on a bigger, wider coverage horn. They do have response graph for a plane wave tube so you could compare this to other drivers without the differences in horns getting in the mix. I did notice that this driver looks remarkably like the JBL 2447 on a plane wave tube. Perhaps the Selenium would be also be similar to the 2447 on the JBL 2352 bi-radial horn. see it at
If you just want the sparkle without the high power capabilities and big SPL you may want to check into Radian 475. also search the high efficiency speaker forum for it. I have read that it plays very high and costs very low. (ask me after Christmas how I like mine)
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