Re: Wayne, compensation question please

I dug up an old E-Mail from you about this.

You wrote
"The 2370 will sound a bit more "splashy" because of the diffraction slot in its throat. But overall character is very much the same."

Good call! You nailed that one.

I should have remembered that, It took me a few weeks to really listen and see that this is exactly what it is that bugs me about them. I agree that it is not a big deal, and for most people it would be too small an issue to bother with. If I leave it alone this is still the best set of speaks I've ever had by far.

If I just wanted to be obsessive, what might I do to tame it a bit? Can it be done by a change of value in the existing compensation circuit? I think I might get some smaller caps to see what happens. Is that a viable plan for this? Or will it just push my top octave down too far?

I know I am splitting hairs at this point, and I really appreciate all of your help on this. Thanks,

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