In Reply to: Re: WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYBODY?????? posted by Till E. on November 08, 2002 at 03:07:45:
Well, the tent sale JBL 2245 eighteens are now in 8 cu ft cabs, courtesy of Dale Gernert (Robert G on the JBL forum) and he'll be delivering them next week. I'm psyched. I'll be going the bmar route, with 3115's set in horizontal mode on top of the sub cabs. That will represent my "compact" system; har!
My problem is the ROOM. I still don't have the right place for the big stuff. I've seriously been looking for someplace to rent just to put the system in; some good, big room not far from the house. Right now, there is an office in the warehouse down the road, where I will set things up for awhile to dial things in. Probably leave it there for a few months, free up space at home, and allow me to run down on lunch hours for some jams.
Dale is an interesting dude; I need to find out more of his background, but when it comes to JBL stuff, he's got the knowledge. He is on speaking terms with Greg Timbers, JBL designer who concocted JBL's flagship statement speakers over the years. (who knows, maybe he'll come to MAF.............) He confered with Greg on issues during the building of the subs. He is a bit of a perfectionist.
I went with the plain flat black utility cabs, since the rest of the stuff already looks that way. I'll add corners, grills, and casters, for my usual hybrid approach of home audio and pro audio. That when when next years backyard party needs extra low end oomph, out they come!!
Cigars? Hmmmmm, always try them, like some of them, don't like the 24 hr aftertaste.
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