Still more Theater 4 tweaking...

Since I can't leave the 4's well enough alone, I installed a pair of .56uF Alpha Core inductors in place of the stock Eminence .6uf and noticed a distinct gain in clarity. This completes the removal of the original stock crossover from these Pi's. The soundstage moved back a bit and I feel there is a reduction in the projection of certain undetermined frequencies which had been slightly bothering me. I do seem to sense a (very small) bit of new grain in the upper freq. but this may well be an exposure of some other upstream problem caused by the increased clarity. The coils are also brand new, so break-in is to be expected(at least by me). The tone of certain recordings has also changed which is very curious. The new sound is probably best described as darker with a more velvety and bronze-like character. The sense of dynamics hasn't changed,in fact the micro dynamics has possibly even improved! Over all, I like the change! More later....


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