"+/- 3dB"

You're right that Alpha 12's and 15's need really big cabinets, such as is the case with the Thermionic Series speakers. And the Delta 15 in the Theater four and seven π speakers has a rise in response around 2kHz, but it's crossed over at 1.6kHz and there's a Zobel to smooth response there. The Theater three and six π's Delta 12LF is a nice, inexpensive motor that can be used in a small box.

You might also want to consider the Stage Series four or seven π, containing an Omega 15. Generally speaking, better motors cost more money so you can expect performance improvements from the more expensive offerings. In any event, remember that all drivers have response aberrations; If they're under 6dB then the response meets the criteria of being "flat +/-3dB."

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