Driving motivation

I agree with you. I prefer the effortless dynamic range of a high efficiency speaker, and the low distortion of a driver used at 1/100th the power it was designed to handle.

I design loudspeakers because the choices I would make aren't found anywhere else. The components I use are sometimes value-priced, but more often than not are higher quality parts, occasionally price-no-object. I tend to prefer high efficiency speakers with controlled directivity at a fairly wide radiating angle that isn't very tall. Good on-axis response is important, as is a uniform reverberent field. To make this happen, I pay careful attention to driver spacing and crossover topology. I also like the cabinet to be attractive as furniture. Pi Speakers do well at all of these things; It's important to me that these criteria be met.

I spend a lot of time perfecting the designs, and even though I do it just for my own use, I find it better not to keep the designs to myself. It would be gross underutilization to spend dozens, sometimes hundreds of hours on a design, and to have the loudspeaker only used by one person or a single family. So by publishing the designs and supporting them here on this forum, they benefit others as well. It is very gratifying to see my loudspeakers proliferated across the globe, enjoyed in homes and small businesses everywhere.

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