Re: Coils on one π's and two π's

nice looking cable/coil assembly. I did not have .5 mh coil handy so
I soldered 2 X 0.25 mh coils in series to make a .5 mh coil and
soldered it in series to the woofer and made some measurements.
( I only
have crude means a Radio Shack spl meter and a test CD with wable
tones). It seems that the addition of the coil did not remove the
'shout' in the 4k-5k region where the response is about 5db above
the 3kHz region before it and the 6k HZ region after it.
BTW the my 2pi's were
position in the corner, on the carpet floor, toe in about 30 degrees.
Spl metter is on tripod at the listen position.

So I decided to take out the coil and put in the tweeter compensation
assembly from my theater 4pi's into the tweeter circuit (the woofer
just have straight wire going to the terminals from the terminals)
and that seems to do the trick. It removes
6-7 db from 4k to 5khz. However It also removes 2-3db from 1Khz to 3khz and 4db from 6khz to 8khz. The sound is more relax. Have you
tried this in the past Wayne? What values of R1 and R2 and C1 in
the tweeter compensation circuit that would be more effective in this
case of removing the 'shout' in the 4k to 6k region and leaving the
rest of the response intact?

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