In Reply to: Differences between 2241 and 2245? posted by Wayne Parham on September 03, 2002 at 18:28:26:
three things on my mind - lol#1 Is there a correlation between a woofers x-max rating and
"tight bass" ? if you know what I mean (loose suspension and tight
suspension). Do "tight coned" woofers sound better than "subwoofers",
or is this just a myth?#2 Is there a correlation between a woofers voice coil diameter and
"tight bass" and/or sound quality assuming similar woofers?
or is the voice coil just a function of power handling,
not sound quality ? ie, if JBL made a woofer with a 2" voice
coil would it sound as good/bad as the same one using a a 4" dia
voice coil ?#3 What factors do you look at when trying to find a woofer
with a strong motor ?
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